
Qualcomm Takes Next Step Towards 5G Smartphone, The Public Safety Impact

Qualcomm Takes Next Step Towards 5G Smartphone, The Public Safety Impact

While the first 5G deployments are aimed at tackling fixed wireless connectivity to residences, the long game is with the smartphone. To that end, Qualcomm just launched a set of essential radio frontend modules that enable faster 5G smartphone time-to-market. What does this mean for mission-critical communications?

Mission Critical Technologies 2018

Mission Critical Technologies 2018

With the pace of technology change quickening, government officials entrusted with responsibility for public safety operations must navigate uncharted waters.  KNect365's inaugural Mission Critical Technologies (MCT) conference and exhibition provides a rare opportunity to hear from public safety innovators and practitioners alike. This is our take on why the event is a must-do opportunity on the 2018 event calendar.

CCW 2018: Moving Forward in the Transport Sector

CCW 2018: Moving Forward in the Transport Sector

Transportation systems rely heavily on mission-critical communications systems to ensure safety and excellent customer experience. Critical Communications World features exhibitors and sessions spotlighting innovative approaches leveraging TETRA and LTE to advance the state-of-the-art in transportation systems. Here are some of the ones that stand out.

CCW 2018: What to Expect for Mission-Critical IoT

CCW 2018: What to Expect for Mission-Critical IoT

It is hard to find an acronym with more headline-grabbing power than IoT. The reason is clear, enterprises that successfully deploy IoT technology can transform operations. For organizations that implement mission-critical technology, the transformation can boost citizen safety, enhance situational awareness and reduce costs. Here is a look at how Critical Communications World 2018 is tackling the subject.

Brave New World: Public Safety DAS for Emergency Responder Radio Coverage

Brave New World: Public Safety DAS for Emergency Responder Radio Coverage

CritComm Insights has released its Public Safety DAS study providing an in-depth look at U.S. fire code requirements, market dynamics, solution portfolios and competition. With FirstNet poised to become an essential element of local public safety communications, this report also looks at FirstNet's potential impact and what it means for building owners and the in-building coverage ecosystem.

Eye on the Prize: APCO 2017 Conference Round-Up

Eye on the Prize: APCO 2017 Conference Round-Up

The annual APCO Conference and Exhibition is a prime opportunity for public officials, service providers and vendors to exchange information about evolving public safety communications technology and practices. At this year's event, AT&T settled into its role as FirstNet's partner while Verizon worked to remain a vital player. But what really stood out were proof-points that push-to-talk over LTE is becoming an operational reality.