
Comms Connect Melbourne Heralds ANZ Critical Communications Progress

Comms Connect Melbourne Heralds ANZ Critical Communications Progress

The 2023 edition of Comms Connect Melbourne brought together public and private sector critical communications ecosystem members across the Australian and New Zealand region. Here are our top take-aways from the event.

Told in Their Own Words: Turnkey Drone-in-a-Box Solution from Nokia

Told in Their Own Words:  Turnkey Drone-in-a-Box Solution from Nokia

At #CCW2023, Nokia showcased its new BVLOS drone solution, including an LTE/5G connected drone vehicle and a connected launch enclosure. In the demonstration, Nokia shows how the central control room can launch, fly, and recover the drone.

CCMENA 2018: Spotlight on AI and Big Data

CCMENA 2018: Spotlight on AI and Big Data

Sometimes, critical communications technology goes beyond voice and data transmissions. As a case in point, the broader context around where AI and data analytics can aid public safety is also an important topic. Here is my take on how Critical Communications MENA will tackle one of the most exciting tech trends in play today.

Mission-Critical: The Role of Commercial Mobile Network Operators

Mission-Critical: The Role of Commercial Mobile Network Operators

Making mission-critical mobile broadband networks a reality is a daunting challenge. Technically, financially and politically, the issues surrounding creation of ubiquitous national public safety data networks mean government agencies must think differently. This white paper reflects my views on why the MNO is an essential partner to these agencies.

Mission Critical Technologies 2018

Mission Critical Technologies 2018

With the pace of technology change quickening, government officials entrusted with responsibility for public safety operations must navigate uncharted waters.  KNect365's inaugural Mission Critical Technologies (MCT) conference and exhibition provides a rare opportunity to hear from public safety innovators and practitioners alike. This is our take on why the event is a must-do opportunity on the 2018 event calendar.

CCW2018: Control Rooms in an IP Data Network Era

CCW2018: Control Rooms in an IP Data Network Era

Control rooms serve a vital role in the central nervous system behind every public safety agency's operation. Technology serving the control room function is evolving at a rapid pace, but what does this mean for control room staff and the field they support? Here is my take on what Critical Communications World 2018 offers for attendees shaping the future of the control room.

Exploring Private LTE Networks at CCW 2018

Exploring Private LTE Networks at CCW 2018

What do airports, mines and oil platforms have in common? Private LTE networks are now emerging as important communications platforms for these challenging environments. Critical Communications World features a variety of exhibits and sessions that shed light on the future of industrial communication. Here is a rundown of what attendees can expect.

How Mobile Operators Benefit from CCW 2018

How Mobile Operators Benefit from CCW 2018

Mobile network operators around the globe have an opportunity to go beyond consumer-grade services as more nations seek LTE-based mobile broadband critical communications services. But first, these operators must understand the end user. Here is my take on how Critical Communications World 2018 can help an operator get a handle on the needs of this unique customer base.