One of the many pleasures of visiting Finland is the opportunity to visit the energetic critical communications ecosystem. In our recent trip to this amazing country, members of Critical Communications Finland spent time with CritComm Insights.
The GCF and TCCA efforts to create a foundation for 3GPP MC-PTT conformance testing have borne fruit, and test laboratories can now begin issuing conformance marks. This progress is an essential driver for economy-of-scale and broad interoperability. But the impact may vary depending on national priorities.
Dryad Networks focuses on early fire detection through distributed sensors mounted in forests. Clever design choices, including solar, supercapacitors, LoRaWAN, and up-link flexibility, make it a solid complement to infrared cameras and satellite systems for next-generation rapid wildland fire observation.
Because mesh radio deployments create dynamic self-forming networks, providing field users the ability to control and monitor the communications environment becomes essential. TrellisWare's demonstration illustrates the rich ATAK user interface enabled with ATAK's extensible plugin architecture.
Critical Communications Finland