At IWCE 2023, iBwave showed its in-building design iBwave Mobile Survey capability developed in collaboration with Epiq.
With its 2021 acquisition of MCX specialist Alea, Leonardo became an important supplier of MCX technology. At Critical Communications World 2024, the company showcased recent MCX portfolio advances.
Sepura is known as a leading supplier of TETRA devices. But the company's recent progress on the 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MC-PTT) front arguably makes it the top-of-class option for early movers to MC-PTT services.
Samsung Networks and Etherstack are trialing the Mission Critical Push-to-X (MCPTX) solution in Australia. A first for the region, the trial includes the incorporation of Etherstack standards-based P25 Interworking Function.
The GCF and TCCA efforts to create a foundation for 3GPP MC-PTT conformance testing have borne fruit, and test laboratories can now begin issuing conformance marks. This progress is an essential driver for economy-of-scale and broad interoperability. But the impact may vary depending on national priorities.