A major thrust of Nokia's 2017 strategy includes expansion into vertical market sectors that align well with Nokia's core network infrastructure strength. The company's Services Analyst Days in London showed how its Global Services business group is making this expansion about more than selling boxes.
Verizon to FirstNet: Secure interoperability is technically feasible
Service Profile: pdvWireless DispatchPlus
Visionaries from the early days of Nextel have created pdvWireless, an industrial-strength push-to-talk network with a national 900 MHz license. Launching a new network in seven major metro markets is impressive, but the company looks towards LTE technology to transform enterprise field force communications.
TCCA Broadband Industry Group Takes Shape
The TCCA has created a new working group to foster cooperation with traditional LTE equipment suppliers. Will this move make a difference, or is it merely window dressing that avoids the larger issues impeding progress?
Product Profile: Harris XL-200P
Eye on the Prize: APCO 2017 Conference Round-Up
The annual APCO Conference and Exhibition is a prime opportunity for public officials, service providers and vendors to exchange information about evolving public safety communications technology and practices. At this year's event, AT&T settled into its role as FirstNet's partner while Verizon worked to remain a vital player. But what really stood out were proof-points that push-to-talk over LTE is becoming an operational reality.
What to Expect (or not) at APCO 2017
Company Profile: ETELM
Harris County Super Bowl LI After Action Report, What Can Europe Learn?
The US Super Bowl is one of the most complex public safety operations appearing on the calendar. Fortunately, the city of Houston, Texas hosted 2017's massive Super Bowl LI event. Because the city sits in Harris County, a FirstNet Band 14 Early Builder that committed to sharing its lessons learned, the event yielded a treasure trove of information about what it means to leverage a public safety LTE network. What can this mean for future European public safety LTE networks?