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Told in Their Own Words: SOOTHSAYER Radio Propagation Modeling from CloudRF

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Demonstrated at: #BAPCO24

Broadband data transmissions delivering critical communications for public safety operations now entail a mix of technologies, including Land Mobile Radio, Mesh MANET networks, LTE/5G, and satellite access. To ensure the best possible operational experience across this variety of radio air interfaces, end users must have the coverage available in the operational arena. The task can be daunting, but CloudRF has designed an approach that opens up the capability for end-users, as well as the highly-trained RF engineers who typically conduct the planning.

The CloudRF-developed SLEIPNIR propagation engine provides propagation analysis using the customer's own LiDAR data and off-the-shelf modeling data. The capability is delivered as a service or via its SOOTHSAYER self-hosted server with the CloudRF GPU engine. An Open API provides access to the engine's functionality. For presentation to end-users, CloudRF provides web browser interfaces and a function-rich ATAK plug-in.

Thanks to company founder Alex Farrant for the informative tour of CloudRF capabilities.