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Zetron and Softil integrate MC-PTT in the Control Room

Zetron and Softil collaborate for control room MC-PTT integration

Zetron and Softil announced that Softil's BEEHD MCX-enabling technology will be used by Zetron to expand its dispatch solutions' LTE Push-To-Talk (PTT) integration capabilities. Softil provides a 3GPP Release 16 standard-compliant cross-platform framework (SDK) for mission-critical push-to-talk/data/video (MCX) required to integrate devices and applications with MCX network services.

  • Zetron is a major supplier of control room solutions for call taking, dispatch, and communications. Incorporating the Sofil BEEHD capabilities sets the stage for directly supporting 3GPP MCX capabilities now available in FirstNet, SafeNet, and ESN.
  • The announcement adds to Softil's robust traction in the market. The company previously announced a deal with Systel (Systèmes & Télécommunications SA) to support Systel's control room integration with the UK ESN mission-critical push-to-talk service. Softil framework is incorporated into additional products introduced in the market, including devices (e.g. Siyata, Hanswell), control room software (e.g. Systel, Capita), gateways (e.g. Catalyst Communications Technologies), transportation equipment (e.g. Siemens Mobility, Hanswell), and conformance testing (e.g. Valid8).
  • Softil's market impact is high because the company supplies the vital underlying standard-compliant cross-platform framework (SDK) required to integrate devices and applications with MCX network services.

Bottom Line

Mission-critical push-to-talk (MC-PTT) capabilities sit atop a three-legged stool: network services, device support, and control room support. The move by a significant control room solution provider to leverage an off-the-shelf MCX framework emerging as a reference implementation will help speed integration efforts and reduce interoperability issues.