CritComm Insights

CritComm Insights is an industry research firm focused on the intersection of mobile broadband and critical communications technology. We search for disruptive technology that leverages the new mobile broadband capabilities that are now becoming a reality around the globe. And we strive to answer the question: What does this innovation mean for mission critical operations?

Founder and Principal Analyst Ken Rehbehn brings more than 40 years of experience tracking the IP-based technologies that shape society today. Combined with a unique insight into the unique requirements of emergency service operations, CritComm Insights offers an ideal lens for evaluating future technology advances aiding mission critical operations.

Mission-critical communications in the air, ground, sea, and control room

Mission-critical communications in the air, ground, sea, and control room

07 - 12 April 2025
Indianapolis, US

FDIC International 2025


Mobile Broadband Network Evolution

Mobile networking technology continues to change. CCI monitors 4G LTE and 5G innovation and evaluates the future impact on mission critical communications users. Our commentary looks at service delivery models and network equipment that deliver signals to critical communications users, including macrocellular base stations, small cells and distributed antenna systems that play a vital role bringing radio signals to users.


Critical Communications Voice

Proven trunked radio systems -- TETRA and Project25 -- are the backbone of modern critical communications networks around the globe. The advent of capable LTE-based voice communications presents an opportunity to modernize. We dissect the timing, challenges and impact of these changes on emergency services operations. 


DeviceS and Applications

The emergence of high-performance mobile broadband services bringing gigabit LTE service to the emergency services creates a rich foundation for device and application innovation. These are the tools that ultimately improve the operational mission by bringing rich new capabilities into the hands of emergency service workers. We track the new ideas and assess just how much functional value they bring to the emergency service mission.


Public Safety Internet of Things

Smart City Internet of Things (IoT) innovation includes significant public safety themes. Advances in 4G LTE and 5G technologies create a sound foundation for secure and reliable Smart City public safety IoT deployments. We track these emerging disruptive public safety IoT solutions that promise to make Smart Cities safer cities.

Beyond Public Safety

Advances in critical communications bring benefits to other key industry vertical segments. Transport agencies are starting to plan for mobile broadband support in underground and mainline rail systems, airport management and maritime ports. Other sectors, including utilities, mining, oil production and gas extraction also share needs similar to public safety. We evaluate how the different industry sectors benefit from public safety advances.